• Cold Calling Playbook
  • Texting Playbook
  • Outbound Calculator
  • Modigie Interviews
  • Mobile CSM

Best Practices Deck


Modigie Outbound Optimization Module

Modigie began in 2017 with a dedicated focus on the most comprehensive and accurate mobile number coverage. Why? How can you reach people when landlines are going the way of the fax machine? Comprehensive, accurate mobile coverage is an essential component to outbound teams increasing the reachability of their TAM. Yet, it is only one component of the primary objective: reaching significantly more of your potential buyers.

With every record being inspected and corrected in real time right before they are used, callers begin outbound with

  • inaccurate numbers corrected,
  • accurate mobile number coverage averaging 75–80%, and
  • corrections made to records where the prospect has changed companies.

These real-time optimization solutions (with more on the way) enable our current users to average an increase in conversations with their TAM of 100%.


As part of its ongoing release of modules to continually increase the reachability of your TAM, Modigie now offers email-to-text contact-level data as part of its core return payload.

key features

Root-Cause Analysis with Real-Time Solutions

Advanced Data Diagnostic

  • Identifies performance problems
  • Measures their impact on engagement and revenues
  • Implements customized solutions in real time

Cloud-Based, Real-Time Software Engine

  • Enables the most current, accurate results and the broadest reach to be delivered
  • Multistep validation engine

Modigie’s Salesforce Managed Package

  • Sets up in only 90 minutes
  • Enables immediate increased engagement at the top of the sales funnel without reps even knowing it’s there


that prevent the majority of your engagement—no matter which vendors you use!


avg. company records with inaccurate mobile numbers


avg. prospects not employed at target company


prospects with missing or inaccurate mobile numbers


of the prospects your team is trying to reach LACK CRITICAL CONTACT DATA!

What increased engagement will your team realize with Modigie?

Measurable Results


Automatic optimization

of the outbound prospects you’re trying to reach


Increased Engagement

at the top of your sales funnel


ROI within weeks

with annual ROI averaging over 1,000%