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  • Texting Playbook
  • Outbound Calculator
  • Modigie Interviews
  • Mobile CSM

Best Practices Deck


The biggest revenue problem

in B2B represents the largest opportunity for revenue growth:

Reachability of your TAM

to acquire net new customers and associated revenues.

Every sales team is reaching only 15–20% of their TAM

regardless of their choice of data vendors.

80%–85% of your target market will never be tapped

without accurate and complete contact-level data for the majority of your outbound records. Yet, NO ONE has real visibility into the quality of their GTM contact-level data, including most Tier 1 data vendors.

Contact-level data and how it’s used

are the “keys that unlock the door” to reachability—not your reps, and not their skillset.

Modigie's effect on TAM reachability

Modigie’s customers are experiencing an average 100% increase in conversations with their target market!

All this without anyone doing anything differently, performing behind the scenes with ROI averaging well over 1,000%.

Modigie’s first solutions attack three of the primary problems preventing reps from engaging with their target market, enabling Modigie users to increase engagement at the top of the funnel by an average of 100%.

Use the live calculator below to measure the impact to your success in 1–2–3

Start Your Free 30-Day Trial!

Modigie guarantees a minimum 20% increase

in conversations at the top of the sales funnel with your target market.

Use the above calculator to determine what this minimum guaranteed 20% increase in conversations will mean to your bottom line.

Modigie Customer Stories

4X Improved connect rate

“Modigie helped me forensically validate the data I was buying from providers to get a second opinion. Typically, my teams found numbers here that the normal providers couldn’t get. Our connect rate improved from 1.5% to 6% and we also removed 30% of contacts that were no longer at company BEFORE sequencing which allowed us to reprioritize our reps’ time to higher value targets.”

Carver Marshall

Sales Development Leader, Airbase

100% increase within the first hour!

“In production, our conversation rates with prospective buyers have doubled ever since we began using Modigie. Within the first hour of testing, we had to turn off the parallel dialer we were using, because so many prospects were answering, our reps could not keep up.”

William Carven

Global Vice President, Inside Sales, Business Development

We did Modigie’s Free 30 Day Pilot and experienced a 56% Increase in Engagement with our Target Market.

“We just trialed Modigie and are moving forward. We average ~4.5% with ZoomInfo and our trial indicated ~7% with Modigie on top. I like that it’s a SFDC-native app and delivers numbers without the rep having to enrich the data manually.”

Drake Duenas

Enterprise Account Executive

Insane ROI and hard data to back up claims!

“Anyone running B2B outbound sales should be lining up to see a demo of Modigie, Inc. . . . I have no affiliation with Modigie. I’m not even connected to any Modigie employees. I just know what Ken Hoppe and Keith LeClaire have built and it is phenomenal and they could charge 5X and still provide insane ROI. I have seen their thoroughly documented proof of results . . . they are one of the few companies in this space which can prove their claims with hard data.”

Mark America Smith, PdH

Sales Culture Expert

Improved connect rate from 1% to above 5%

“Modigie saved us from wasting 40% of our time on people who moved companies and improved our connect rate from 1% to above 5%.”

Carver Marshall

Sales Development Leader, Airbase

Best phone number accuracy and seamless Salesloft integration!

“We selected Modigie out of 10 companies as Modigie had the best phone number accuracy rate and they connect seamlessly to Salesloft and allow the mobile number to be the first number you dial.”

Melissa Macatuno

Marketing Director, StarCompliance

Optimize your sales tech stack and streamline outbound selling!

“Personally, my new fave is Modigie. It helps sales & marketing! It allows you to track champions in your deals better than some other tools. Automatically identifying and fixing inaccurate contact information inside Salesforce, adds missing mobile numbers (which we know some other providers lack), and essentially optimizing your entire sales tech stack so outbound sellers can do their jobs better.”

Katherine Andruha, MBA

Sales Leader Helping Unicorn Companies Scale, Top 100 Women in Sales ‘22

Enjoy more live conversations with target prospects!

“The power of Orum is amplified when paired with valid mobile phone number data. Companies using Modigie and Orum together will enjoy more live conversations with their target prospects than ever before.”

Jason Dorfman

CEO, Orum